More and more of us turn to online shopping for every aspect of our lives. From buying clothes, gadgets up to finding a new Web Designer. So your first contact is mostly through a company’s website or Social Media channels rather than in person.
And although very convenient, online shopping has somewhat removed us from making connections with the person behind the Business.
One way of counter-fighting the vast competition and quantity of alternatives for our customers is by standing out and being a relatable “real” person.
A real person with a real face. Showing your customers who to expect when doing business with you is not only important, I would say it’s imperative!
Would you rather see a smiling Face or a Logo when you chat to someone on Facebook?
Commercial Photography has changed over time and is more now than it ever was.
First Impressions Count!
When people first see your photo on your website or profile, how would you like to be perceived by them?
Who are you or your brand?
Not only Entrepreneurs and Business owner have the need to get their professional Portraits taken. Are you happy with your LinkedIn Profile picture? Are you a blogger trying to show on your Social Media what your Blog is about? Are you a Florist and would like to showcase how much fun you have planning a custom wedding display with brides? In reality everybody needs a good photographic representation of who they are and what we aim for.
Let’s change the chances of making the best impression online to make a difference!
Personal Branding Sessions are designed to meet your needs. We can shoot in my studio and focus on you and your personality or go on location to showcase the place you work, live or just feel great!
Sessions can be more action driven, more editoril or leaning towards a corporate headshot. It all depends on you and what your Personal Brand is.